Attention: Coaches, Consultants, & Online Entrepreneurs

Close high-ticket clients consistently with less resistance using this “4-step appointment setting funnel”

By attracting the hyper-active buyers in your market without costly ads.
As seen on…
DFY LinkedIn Offer Sales Page Google Docs 1
DFY LinkedIn Offer Sales Page Google Docs 2

Dear Future Thought Leader,


Ever wonder why you’re still attracting low ticket clients consistently?

Maybe you’ve tried a few methods to grow your lists and get clients like:

❌ Like posting “value posts” on Facebook Groups and getting zero engagements.

❌ Sending 50 cold messages a day to the “wrong people” only to end up getting blocked.

❌ Or building a sexy colorful grid to your IG profile that doesn’t really convert much.

Just to book a discovery call with 3 low ticket clients who still have doubts on you.

Let me break it to you.

Your ideal high-ticket clients would only book a call with you for 2 reasons:

✅ They want to solve a burning problem that they no longer want to deal with.

✅ They want to get a result they want but still don’t have.


They don’t care about your credentials, certifications, or qualifications.

Even though this does build authority.

They’re too focused on their “current bleeding neck problems” in their business.

The challenge is entering through that conversation that leads them to actually book a call with you “ready to buy”!

And that is what this “4-step appointment setting funnel” is all about.

It attracts the right hyper-active buyers to book a call on your calendar on autopilot!

While potentially growing 600 to 1,000 new qualified leads per day simultaneously!

Now before I show you exactly how this “4-step appointment setting funnel” works… Let me introduce myself and tell you who I am to be telling you ALL of this…


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Before I became one of America’s top 5 growth hackers… 

At the age of 17, I began working for Fortune 100 firms. Along the road, I had the opportunity to speak at some of the world’s largest tech conferences, including CES and Web Summit.

Now I’m honored to be named one of Forbes’ next 1000 to watch list. And when I created Viral Growth Media, I carried all of that expertise and experience with me.

Over the previous three years, we’ve been responsible for generating over 85 million dollars in trackable income for our clients and brands.

But when I was just starting out…

I was doing the same things you were doing with trial-and-error.

You know, like posting content and messaging people.

I’ve been doing everything the guru is saying, but it didn’t work.

So I asked myself, “Where do wealthy professionals hang out online?”

And BOOM! I realized, LinkedIn was the right place to be.

It saves you a lot of time trying to “find” consistent high-ticket clients.

Because it is already a platform where wealthy entrepreneurs, high-executives and CEOs actively seek clients or businesses to work with.

When I started to get crystal clear on my offer, messaging and targeting the right audience on LinkedIn…

People started booking a call with me like clockwork! 

And I started getting high-paying clients at a wild scale that I built an amazing team to help me leverage my time.

Eventually I’ve invested a lot of money into creating the system that would automate that whole process on which I call the “4-step appointment setting funnel”.

Which was responsible for generating 85 million dollars in revenue collected for our clients!

If you’re a coach, consultant, or online entrepreneur, you might have a similar story with these people.

People who used our “4-step appointment setting funnel”.

Troy was able to go from $1.2M / Year to $3.6M/Year in 10 weeks! Now he’s about to hit $10M in revenue 12 months later.

Jordan was struggling on getting clients to convert, after working with VGM he was able to hit his first $300k week!

Tetty was struggling with managing low ticket clients that were vampire suckers, after working with VGM she was able to leverage better results and land 7 $5k/month in less than 10 weeks!

In order to close high-paying clients like autopilot…

You just need to know the right KPIs in your business.

✅ How many people are you talking to everyday?

✅ How many discovery calls are you scheduling everyday?

✅ Do you set up a follow-up strategy session? If yes, how many sessions per day?

✅ How many paying clients are coming into your business everyday?

This might sound like a lot of work if you think about it.

That’s why you need a system where you can maximize these KPIs like autopilot.

If you want to know how this can also work for you.

Here’s a breakdown of what you’re getting in the 4-step appointment setting funnel:

1. Organic LinkedIn Strategy - Direct/Indirect Approach

We will help you leverage your time trying to find the right audience. LinkedIn is one of the best ways to scrape a lot of data to your ideal high ticket clients.

Once you connect with them, you’ll have access to their name, emails, websites and so on. You can leverage these validated data when you plan to run Facebook ads profitably.

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We can execute these proven organic strategy in 2 ways:


Direct Approach – you will get a high-converting LinkedIn Outreach Sequence that commits your prospects to book a 15-min discovery call with you. And leading them to your Pre-selling Machine which I’ll uncover in a few.


Indirect Approach – this happens when your ideal prospects stumble across your profile, website, posts and so on. They will be much more qualified since they reached out to see more of what you offer even without booking a 15-min discovery call with you.


These 2 approaches ultimately lead to the same thing –  Your Pre-Selling Machine.

2. Setting Up Your Pre-Selling Machine that positions you as an expert

This is the actual process where we send your prospective clients through once they booked a 15-min discovery call or whenever they visit your landing page.

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Basically your pre-selling machine will be an online sales video that articulates your prospect’s “current burning problems” and positions you as the solution and expert in your space.


It’s a proven automated online sales funnel to generate qualified booked appointments in your calendar, since they’re already exposed to your proven framework.

“Pre-selling” them of what they’re going to get once they book a 45-min strategy session with you.

This will help qualify the people who would want to talk with you OR kick out people who would just waste your time.

3. Filling your calendar with Qualified Booked Appointments like clockwork

Imagine waking up “fully booked” with qualified booked appointments to your calendar.

This is all possible once you implement the system as we guide you in refining your offer, clarifying your message, and identifying the right high-ticket clients.

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4. Close more high-ticket clients in your 45-min strategy session

This is the part where you start closing high ticket clients at a wild scale. With the least amount of work and least amount of resistance.


You will have “ready to buy” prospects“ inside your call. That they’d love to do business with you in the long-term.

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We don’t often offer our “4-Step Appointment Setting Funnel” 

to just any Coaches, Coaches, or Online Entrepreneurs.

While it’s still available make sure to grab this opportunity today.


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You have nothing to lose because we’re giving you no brainer guarantee:

12-month performance guarantee

Obviously, you can’t expect to scale a business in 30 days, but if you implement everything we tell you to, show up intentional to the deep dive and you don’t see results after 12 months we will refund you your money back for wasting your time or we will work with you 1 on 1 until you succeed.

As you can see, all the risk is squarely on my shoulders…

So go ahead and click the button below and you’ll be on your way to hitting your first seven-figure year in your business!