Quick Base Alternatives: 5 Of The Best No-Code App Builders: What You Need to Know

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Although Quick Base is a fantastic product, what if it doesn’t meet your needs? Or perhaps you’re just starting and don’t want to spend money on Quick Base? We’ll look at 5 Quick Base alternatives in this article, which you should read. To determine which of these goods is best for you, thoroughly read the descriptions of each one as each one offers a distinct set of features.

And without further ado, here are the Quick Base Alternatives:

– Knack:

A database builder that is simple to use and doesn’t require coding

– Zoho Creator:

“A platform for low-code business application development”

– AppSheet:

“No coding” platform for developing apps

– Bubble:

“The top visual programming language for creating websites and mobile apps”

– Retool:

The simplest method for creating internal tools

Which alternative to Quick Base is best for you? Please let us know by leaving a comment below. Additionally, read our blog post on the Top Quick Base Alternatives if you’re seeking more information on Quick Base substitutes.

What are Quick Base Alternatives?

Anyone may easily create and deploy custom applications without writing code with Quick Base, a low-code/no-code application development platform. Other low-code/no-code platforms are available, while Quick Base is an excellent choice for folks who are not developers or do not have the time or resources to create unique apps from scratch. Other programs are similar to Quick Base in terms of features and functionality.

Even if Shopify is among the most well-liked no-code app development services available, it’s a good idea to look into alternatives before settling on one. Despite not being as large as project management, the no-code app development industry is expanding swiftly. Searching Google for high-quality software products will take up more of your time as more products reach the market, and more research is needed to separate the good from the bad. We shortened your search time by limiting the top Quick Base choices to just five companies.

Our Product Selection Tool for App Development may help you create a free, personalized shortlist of the best app development software choices for you if you want to save even more time. We will offer you five recommendations depending on your specific needs to save you hours of research. It only takes a few minutes to begin going and is easy.


A cross between San Francisco and Tokyo, Kintone is a code-free application development platform with Japanese influences. One of the largest software providers in Japan, Cybozu Inc., offers Kintone. This platform enables companies of all sizes to develop process automation, online databases, and applications without writing code.

You can choose from a wide range of app templates at Kintone or use our drag-and-drop interface to build your unique apps. CRM, project management, document libraries, equipment management, and shipping orders are just a few examples of app templates.

Certain security features supplied by competitors in our comparison table are absent from Kintone. On the other hand, Kintone utilizes Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Japanese data centers that adhere to the Facility Safety Standards The Center for Financial Industry Information Systems (FISC) set out. Japanese banks use the same digital safety standards.


Create your first app with Knack by uploading your data, organizing it, and connecting relevant data points.

You may define the database for your app after selecting your frame. Knack offers a variety of templates for various sorts of data to make it simple for users to engage with the data. Additionally, an embed option lets you place a code block on the specified page if you want to deploy your app on a website.

You can combine Knack with Zapier in addition to building your integrations with other software systems via the API. This enables you to configure Zaps in Zapier and build up automatic workflows in Knack.

-Zoho Creator

With the no-code app builder Zoho Creator, you can easily create unique apps and workflows for any business need. It has tools for payments, data collection, and other things.

For those without coding experience wishing to create apps, Caspio is the ideal platform. If you don’t have the time to complete the process, Caspio’s Professional Services team can take care of everything for you. The visual builder guides you through every step of constructing an app.

Create web-based reports from your spreadsheets that you can access and search engines can find. Once you’re done, you may utilize Caspio to create an app for your website. Installing the plugin will allow you to swiftly deploy applications on your website if you’re using WordPress. Additionally, it is simple to share your app on your business’s Facebook page.

You may easily transmit data into and out of the system using Caspio’s DataHub. Integrations with other programs like Google Drive, Dropbox, Microsoft OneDrive, and Box can also be set up. If you feel like you need more options, Zapier enables you to link with even more services.


With the help of the robust Zoho Creator tool, you can easily create unique apps. Without prior coding experience, you can easily design your app using drag-and-drop capability. Additionally, Zoho Creator allows you to modify your app further if you know how to code. When building your app, you may release it as a native app for iOS and Android phones and tablets. Additionally, logged changes and version backups guarantee that your work is constantly secure. Additionally, Zoho Creator can easily interface with Zapier and other widely used software applications if you need to connect it to other software systems.


With the help of the highly regarded no-code platform AppSheet, anyone can easily build bespoke apps, transform spreadsheet data into automated workflows, and build dashboards.

Several platforms, including Google Sheets, Excel, Salesforce, and Amazon Web Services, are compatible with AppSheet. After creating your app, you may use it to take pictures, read barcodes, monitor locations, sign documents, make reports, send notifications, and more.

Users of AppSheet have access to a wide range of features, including sophisticated but user-friendly application creation tools. Additionally, AppSheet is HIPAA and EU-US Privacy Shield compliant, which means it complies with or surpasses the rules established by these laws.

coding man

Get your free list of personalized software recommendations.

Software development has become much more accessible to laypeople thanks to no-code platforms, and our Product Selection Tool for App Development makes it simple to choose the best one. Answering a few questions will help us better understand your needs and provide personalized, cost-free service. In exchange, we’ll give you a list of the top five vendors for your needs.

What features make the top five Quick Base alternatives worth considering for your business?

The top five Quick Base substitutes are web-based systems that enable users to build unique applications without knowing any programming. They all have drag-and-drop interfaces that make it simple to add and customize various field kinds and create workflows and approval processes.

It’s critical to assess which platform would best fit your particular business demands because each has a different set of features and pricing structures.

Some of the features that Quick Base alternatives offer include:

  • Templates that can be customized using a drag-and-drop interface
  • ability to add and customize various field kinds
  • Create approvals and workflows.
  • Sync up with other business software
  • develop mobile applications
  • Price ranges that are affordable Quick Base Alternative

Check out the top five services listed above if you’re seeking a Quick Base substitute. Their extensive feature set and no-code interface make it simple to build personalized applications tailored to your company’s requirements.

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Quick Base Mobile App

One of the unpleasant facts about the SaaS sector is that businesses frequently give desktop apps considerably greater emphasis than mobile apps. We all use our phones for work-related purposes. Thus, it is obvious how crucial an excellent mobile app may be. I can think of many Quick Base-like businesses that have notoriously subpar mobile apps, which negatively impacts their potential to attract new clients.

One of the good ones is called Quick Base. Just read the app reviews if you don’t believe me. The iOS version of Quick Base has a 4.6/5 star rating as of this writing. Similar to the iOS app, the Android app has a Google Play Store rating of 4.5/5 stars, which is greater than any other SaaS mobile app I’ve seen.

Although the app is designed for people without prior knowledge of credit, it contains a feature that enables users to listen to their consumers simply. For instance, if you previously utilized Quick Base’s mobile app but have forgotten your login or password, you may use the same option to reset your password inside the program and then utilize all of its capabilities once more! The dev team’s action precisely captures my feelings.

Like most SaaS providers, Quick Base allows customers to generate table entries on mobile devices in addition to only reading data. This improves user experience by making the app operate like the internet version.

Quick Base Pricing

Quick Base differs from many other SaaS companies in the market in terms of pricing. Compared to most comparable cloud-based products, Quick Base costs a flat fee for a whole business rather than depending on the number of users.

This strategy has advantages and disadvantages. It has the benefit of limitless users, but it might be expensive for small teams who might not want all the extra capabilities. For instance, it makes little sense to pay a high price for a team of five or ten individuals when you can get by with fewer features and pay less elsewhere.

It is clear why our fixed-price strategy is superior for larger enterprises when you contrast us with other solutions that charge by the user. There are no tiers, so managers don’t have to worry about inadvertently entering a more expensive price tier as they add additional members. Additionally, the fixed subscription cost makes budgeting and understanding how this ongoing expense will impact your company’s bottom line easier. Let’s examine each plan in more detail to determine which Quick Base plan is best for your company.


Quick Base doesn’t offer a no-cost plan. Although disappointing, it illustrates the reality that Quick Base is intended for more giant enterprises. However, Quick Base does give you a free 30-day trial of their premium service. Better yet, create an account and explore all that Quick Base offers. After all, nothing is preventing you from doing it.

The premier plan from Quick Base is their least expensive choice, yet it still has many features. Compared to the lowest-tiered plans of similar firms, this plan frequently has more restrictions. Each scheme includes:

  • Your entire workflow will be automated with Proof.
  • Access all integrations, such as:
  • You may, for instance, import the information from an existing table.
  • Thanks to our API, it is simple to integrate our platform with your workflows and systems, which provides you with programmatic access to the same information and features accessible through our website or mobile apps.
  • Connecting data from several apps.
  • Use of the mobile application.
  • Although understanding user roles and permissions can be challenging, it is essential if you want to keep your website secure.
  • Access relevant app store apps, the Play Store, and Google services like Gmail and YouTube.
  • Create custom forms and fields based on your need.
  • Endless custom reports.

There are some regrettable trade-offs with the elite plan. Organizations can create only 50 unique business applications; any other apps will require additional Procharged teams funding. Although you could add every person at a big corporation to one organization, groups likely would quickly exceed that 50-app restriction due to the app constraints.

Some functions included in platform and enterprise plans are absent from the basic plan, but we’ll get to those quickly.


  • Our least expensive choice.
  • The low-tier package is quite affordable and has a ton of features.
  • Sign up right away to receive a free trial period!


  • You are only permitted to develop a certain amount of bespoke apps (maximum of 50).
  • Essential functions are absent from this software, especially regarding security.


  • You should be aware that many services require a larger upfront payment than the monthly fee. For instance, a typical water-cleaning company bills about $500 per month when paid yearly.


You may quickly create a website with the app. Thanks to the new Quick Base edition, businesses may launch their websites more easily. The platform strategy comes close to utilizing all of the software’s functionality. Additional helpful features comparable to those in the premium plan are included in this level. Features consist of;

  • Applications that are uniquely designed to represent your business.
  • There is a separate area called the Experimentation sandbox for creating and evaluating variants.
  • A fantastic technique to improve security on your blog is by using add-ons. By making your website more secure, you’re encouraging users to utilize it and providing them confidence.
  • Our business offers excellent customer service and abides by tight service level agreements.

Users of the platform plan have access to practically all of the software’s features. Only Quick Base’s increased data encryption, accessible in Enterprise mode, is missing from the platform. Whether you require the platform or enterprise plan for Quick Base depends on how much you utilize it.

The platform plan limits the number of business applications you may develop to 100. You can always add more by a few apps if your team has more than 100. However, the corporate package is probably the best choice for you if your company needs significantly more than 100 apps.


  • You get everything you require.
  • Establishing a distinctive brand for your business.
  • Greatly enhanced security.


  • more than three times the cost of prime.
  • Only a few applications are available.


  • When you prepay for the entire year, you save 12%.


Most of the remaining information concerning the company plan has already been expressed. The enterprise plan doesn’t offer much more features beyond what the platform does. Advanced data encryption is the sole feature included as standard with the enterprise option. In the words of app limits, the commercial and academic plans don’t differ much.

There are no restrictions on how many apps or how much an enterprise package from Quick Base costs. This is likely because each team’s needs will be considered when creating a company strategy.


  • The features that come standard with Quick Base are as follows:
  • This strategy allows you to use more apps.


  • This isn’t much more than a platform, even though it does offer some additional functions.


  • Please get in touch with Quick Base right away.


You might be wondering what to do if all you want is the premium plan’s services, yet you want to use them more extensively. Adding more features to your bundle is another option.

Users of Quick Base can fix this issue by upgrading their package to include more apps or features. Customers may opt to pay for the following:

  • An internal audit is a procedure that aids in ensuring that all organizations follow best practices.
  • We use state-of-the-art data encryption techniques.
  • You can use our app to recover any lost data.
  • For this position, Quick Base certification and training are necessary.

What is a No-Code App Builder? 

Platforms that don’t require coding allow designers, artists, creatives, SEOs—anyone! —quickly and without coding construct software. These platforms were initially developed for team members who are essential to product development but do not possess coding abilities. Anyone may design functional apps using simple visual editors that include pre-coded elements like text boxes, videos, buttons, etc.

WYSIWYG editors (what you see is what you get), workflow automation, appealing design, and cloud-based spreadsheets to save your data before it is shown are just a few things that no-code development platforms can do. Platforms enabling no-code development are beneficial in some ways.

  • Project and company management are the most popular uses of such no-code platforms.
  • Others will assist you in creating computer or mobile applications, but we go above and beyond to assist you in developing practical applications.

The Best No-Code App Builders

These are the best no-code app builders based on each one’s price, rating, and personal usage.

-Bubble: best for web apps

Without writing any code, you can construct any application with Bubble, a remarkable tool. You may test your idea with a prototype before sharing it with platforms that interact with customers without having to deal with Javascript, HTML, or sizable databases. You don’t need a web server because Bubble hosts and deploys your application for you.

Venture capitalists praise Bubble, a best-in-class no-code app builder, and Airtable and Appy Pie. Bubble’s no-code app builder has garnered more than $100 million. Since then, several venture-backed companies have selected Bubble to power their products.


  • For today’s website visitors, mobile-friendly and dynamic content are essential.
  • The number of users or traffic volume can be handled with no maximum limit.
  • You must use a password or an OAuth 2.0 login to access your account.
  • Other platforms can be linked together so users can execute tasks like bulk emailing, community building and maintenance, website search engine optimization, keyword research, and more.
  • Both dynamic and static content components are employed to improve interaction.


There are three membership tiers available with Bubble: a free option, an agency subscription model, and savings for nonprofits and students. You can select one of the following choices each year:

  • Prices for personal subscriptions range but typically begin at $25 per month.
  • Expert: $1,150 per month
  • At this income level, full-time employment would cost $4,750 per month for the first year and $460 per month after that.


  • If you want to create consumer apps, Bubble is your one-stop shop. It’s not intended to be a supplement to ongoing development initiatives.
  • Even though maintaining the service will cost more when your product becomes more famous, it will still be much less expensive than paying engineers.

Bottom Line

The bubble is the top no-code app creator for creating consumer-facing goods and online programs. It enables you to produce pixel-perfect designs that manifest as apps. Additionally, Bubble is the easiest program to use because it guides you through every step of developing an app in a clear, understandable manner.

-Appy Pie: best for mobile apps

Appy Pie is one of the most excellent no-code app builders, enabling you to create native apps using pre-set layouts and color themes that you can adjust to your preferences. Appy Pie has what you need, whether you’re creating a dating app, a delivery app, a shopping app, or something completely else. Additionally, they provide training in application development for users of all experience levels, from beginners to experts.


  • alterations made in real-time
  • examining information from various testing and analytics procedures
  • offline updating of your website
  • The Apple App Store, Google Play, and other iOS and Android devices will all be compatible.
  • It’s simple to turn websites into applications.


Most of Appy Pie’s features are free, although paying is an option if you want full access.

  • Basic: An app costs $16 per month (supports Android)
  • Get access to all our features by downloading our Android app for just $36/month!
  • The Platinum package also enables iOS apps, and costs $60 per app/month.


  • There are problems like any other technology; G2 reviewers pointed up some.
  • A few individuals have complained that customer support is lacking.

Bottom Line

Don’t let Appy Pie’s cutesy name fool you—it’s a strong tool. Over 10 million people use the program, according to the business. Notably, Appy Pie specializes in mobile apps and can thus support both web and mobile applications. This is most likely the program for you if you’re making a mobile app.

-Airtable: best for operations teams

Large corporations and enterprises utilize Airtable, a very potent app builder, to handle their data like a project management tool. Airtable, a spreadsheet-based tool, enables you to design solutions precisely suited to your team’s requirements—neither more nor less. Teams from the marketing, product, operations, HR, sales, and finance departments may become more organized and productive with the help of pre-made templates and Airtable’s user-friendly design assistance.


  • Different perspectives on each project
  • Integrations and automation of workflows
  • You may use more than 50 apps to enhance your own.
  • instantaneous editing


There are two options offered by Airtable: a free one for individuals or novice users and an Enterprise solution for more specialized needs.

  • Additional: $10 monthly fee
  • This software’s $20 per seat/month cost is one of its advantages.


  • Because Airtable is better at managing projects based on spreadsheets rather than building a useful commercial application, it has fewer features than Bubble and Appy Pie.

Bottom Line

Airtable is a dream come true if you’re drowning in spreadsheets and wish to productize some of your operational tasks. Project management tools and a no-code app builder are split 50/50. It’s not the best choice for developing a user-facing app.


You don’t need to know how to code in a few days to create and release a comprehensive app with AppSheet. AppSheet makes it simple for anyone to create their application with an easy-to-follow how-to guide and instructional videos. And the fact that over 4.1 million apps have been made to date is proof of that! By the way, Google bought AppSheet because they liked it so much!


  • real-time, multi-platform application
  • You must use data in your business.
  • Capture and transfer interior or outdoor location data between devices.
  • Process automation and artificial intelligence
  • You can use any computer browser or mobile device to access this content.


There are two options available from AppSheet, or you can contact them directly for an enterprise quotation. They provide various services, but you may use the app for free for up to 10 users to test it out and see how it performs for you.

  • A free basic account is available to users first.
  • Users: 10


  • It may take some practice to get used to AppSheet.

Bottom Line

One of the top no-code app builders available is called AppSheet. You can make corporate procedures, consumer apps, and everything in between.


With more than 35 “ClickApps,” 50 action points for automation, documents, reports, project management, and other capabilities, ClickUp is a nearly unlimited platform that aims to be the “one app to replace them all.” Additionally, it provides a terrific no-code tool that combines data from various sources to create innovative funnels and procedures for optimal effectiveness.


  • Wikis and nested documents that enable real-time user collaboration
  • With more than 1,000 native connectors, you can be sure your website will provide a new level of usefulness.
  • To make the process of creating a website more straightforward, templates are offered.
  • Connect all of these aspects in the editor to form a seamless story.
  • ClickUp specialists might enroll in a course or work as coaches.


  • $5 per month for members
  • $9 per month per member
  • Business Plus: $19 per month per member


  • ClickUp is a good tool for creating consumer-facing applications, but it is not the best.

Bottom Line

Although ClickUp differentiates from Airtable largely as a project management tool, it also has no-code features.


A drag-and-drop platform called Ninox is used to construct customized apps from spreadsheet, form, chart, and report templates to enhance corporate operations. You may optimize your business processes on any device and work remotely with your colleagues. We provide services to various global businesses, such as IT, real estate, med-tech construction, and more. We can assist you in developing an app to serve your clients better, whether you are a huge organization or a small start-up.


  • To use this product, you don’t need an Internet connection.
  • The various Kanban, Gantt, Card, and Diagram views.
  • Templates are available for contacts, gatherings, activities, bills, bookkeeping, timesheets, and other chores.
  • The proof is available on various platforms, including the Cloud, Mac, iPad, iPhone, Android, and others.


You can choose to pay for an individual or a team subscription at Ninox.

  • 35 euros, one-time payment, for Macs only
  • Individual for iPad: Free to download
  • Download the free Individual app for iPhone right now!
  • Ninox Cloud: €10 per month per user


  • The features are subject to some restrictions.
  • Building apps that users will download and use is not the best use of this capability.

Bottom Line

The closest analogs for Ninox’s no-code capabilities are ClickUp or Airtable. Large clients like Siemens are among its others. For businesses established in the EU seeking to monetize their operations, Ninox is an excellent option.


QuickBase is a different no-code platform that provides workflows to let business and IT teams collaborate. Due to the ecosystem of applications that make up QuickBase, even anyone with modest technical expertise can manage and scale across a single platform. Businesses may quickly turn their ideas into apps with QuickBase’s low-code or no-code solution.


  • You can choose between no-code and low-code.
  • Even without an Internet connection, real-time rollouts!
  • Your data is consistently safe with us thanks to our stringent security and compliance certifications.
  • Updates have been made to all platforms.


There are three paid plans offered by QuickBase: two are for people, and one is for businesses.

  • Since they could have various rates, it’s a good idea to add individual people to your marketing team. Monthly dues for individual members should range from $400 to $600.
  • Organization: $2,000 per month when paid yearly


  • They only offer personalized pricing to businesses with more than 100 employees; they do not offer it to individuals.

Bottom Line

Because it streamlines complicated business operations tasks, QuickBase is ideal for them. I have personally witnessed the use of QuickBase by large organizations like Informa, Columbia, Sodexo, and Cox (my preferred Southern California cable operator) to handle enterprise-scale projects.

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Benefits of No-Code App Builder 

A self-guided, free program called the No-Code App Builder enables you to create your app without understanding how to code. The primary benefit of no-code app builders is evident from their name: you may do tasks without any coding knowledge! With this, you could make apps like Facebook or Airbnb.

No-code app builders allow for the following:

  • more effective processes
  • faster time to market
  • Teamwork is more straightforward than ever.
  • reduced costs
  • Compared to a software product, testing, altering, and upgrading is simpler.
  • For your convenience, we’ve listed the typical obstacles to success so you’ll know what to anticipate.
  • enhanced team cooperation

Although no-code app builders have many benefits, one drawback is that you might be restricted in what the app builder can achieve if you lack coding skills. A low-code version can give you the best of both worlds if you or someone on your team is a little familiar with coding. Before making a choice, look into the no-code platforms’ ability to modify existing code.

How Do No-Code App Builders Work?

Most no-code development platforms will generate your app or processes using the same steps:

  • Create an app that people will find helpful in their daily lives! It might simplify processes, make them more enjoyable, or even offer brand-new services consumers weren’t aware they needed. Get inventive—there are countless possibilities!
  • It will be simpler to develop your app if you first organize the data you intend to add. Although some app developers might ask for this preparation in advance, it is often simpler to design an app when all of its necessary information is at hand.
  • To get started, pick one of many templates. Don’t worry if you’re unfamiliar with iOS, Android, or other relevant app development languages. Our team has your back. Our group is capable of creating a fantastic iOS/Android mobile application for you.
  • Add more elements, automation, and activities as necessary. How are people interacting with your app after you’ve developed the design layout? What controls should they activate, and what steps should they take? Can people get where they want to go with your app? Many no-code development platforms offer a selection of user interfaces.
  • By releasing your app and conducting user testing, you can get feedback on it. Doing this lets you determine what changes should be made before making your software available to the public.


So, what’s the final word? Quick Base is undoubtedly a wise choice if you’re searching for a fantastic product with many features that is simple to use. But make sure to look at one of the alternatives we’ve listed here if it doesn’t meet your needs or you’re just starting. Read the descriptions carefully and select the best one for you because each has a distinct collection of qualities.

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Before I became one of America’s top 5 growth hackers… I was included in Forbes’ 1000 to Watch List, I’ve spoken at the biggest tech conferences in the world including the CES and the Web Summit.


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